1st Hurdsfield
Scouting with Us
Hello and welcome to 1st Hurdsfield (Parish Church) Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Squirrels Group in the sunny town of Macclesfield, in Cheshire, in the north-west of England, in the UK.
This website is here to provide basic information to you about our Group. For further information about our programmes, activities, camps, social events, trips and fundraisers, please contact the relevant Section Leader.
Who are we?
We’re a small and friendly Scout Group based in Hurdsfield, Macclesfield.
Who can join?
Boys or girls, from any background or faith – all are welcome. We have no waiting list.
How much is it?
Whether you are a Scout, a Cub, a Beaver or a Squirrel, it will cost £13 per month for your weekly sessions. There may be other optional activities that incur an extra cost from time to time. Such subscriptions are paid by monthly Standing Order wherever possible.
Assisted places
Scouting is about everyone being able to join the adventure and we at 1st Hurdsfield don’t want young people to miss out due to the cost, which is why we are able provide a free uniform and subsidise all ongoing costs (monthly subs plus trips, camps and activities) by 50% for any child who is eligible for free school meals, up to an annual cap. Full confidentiality is maintained – the only people who will know that a member is being assisted are the Section Leader and our Treasurer. For further information, please contact the relevant Section Leader, using the information provided in your child’s welcome pack.
What sections do we have?
Squirrel Scout Drey | Ages 4 to 6 | meeting at 06:00 pm to 07:00 pm on Monday.
Beaver Scout Colony | Ages 6 to 8 | meeting at 06:00 pm to 07:00 pm on Tuesday.
Cub Scout Pack | Ages 8 to 10½ | meeting at 06:00 pm to 07:30 pm on Wednesday.
Scout Troop | Ages 10½ to 14 | meeting at 07:15 pm to 08:45 pm on Monday.
Why join Scouts?
Scouts is an international youth organisation that welcomes members from all social backgrounds, faiths and cultures. Joining a Scout Group, whether as a Squirrel, Beaver, Cub or Scout is like joining a big family. We have fun, learn lots of good stuff, do all sorts of things you might not always get a chance to do, and also learn to look after each other and those around us. With members all around the world you’re never far from a friend.
As you go through the sections you will have fun, make new friends, learn a lot about yourself and develop skills and attitudes that will be with you for life. Squirrels and Beavers are all about fun and friends; Cubs continues this but also teaches you about adventure and exploring the wider world; Scouts take this even further – survival skills, physical activities, finding out about the world we live in, knowing your own abilities, keeping fit for life and developing creative talents.