Beavers are boys and girls aged between 6 and 8 years old. They belong to the second section in the scouting family. Our colony is a friendly and active place for your child to join – we get up to all sorts of things, including day trips, sleepovers, arts and crafts, exploring the outdoors and much more.
If you as a young person or adult would like to get involved, please follow the Contact Us link and get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.
What do Beavers do?
Beavers are young people’s first taste of the scouting experience weekly meetings involve working towards badges in active and fun ways either in the hut or out in the surrounding area. A usual term will involve crafts, making food, exploring nature and working as a team all while making new friends and having lots of fun. least once a year we take our beavers on a night away from home and on several trips, both on their own and with the whole group.
Beaver Leaders
Leader: Sarah
Assistant Leader: Lee
Likes: Attending World Jamborees, Making a mess with beavers and giving out badges.
Dislikes: Cleaning up, cycling and spiders.
Sarah’s Story:
Sarah has been through the sections of Scouting (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers) and is a shining example of someone who has benefited from Scouting and is now using her training to give something to the next generation of young people. Having gone through the rigorous process to gain one of the few available place; her recent inclusion in the team to World Jamboree shows just how special she is. She has, like nearly all our leaders, completed her Woodbadge training and is very good at applying all she has learned to give the Beavers a very active and exciting programme of activities.
Our leadership team is entirely made up of volunteers who enjoy running beaver meetings! All adult leaders have training and a DBS check, and there is always at least one adult who is first aid qualified.
If you would like the opportunity to do something you’d never thought of doing, while having lots of fun and giving back to the community at the same time, please get in touch – we can always do with more leaders!
Beaver Badges
Beavers take part in lots of activities that go towards various “activity” and “challenge” badges. Please sew them onto the beaver’s jumper when your beaver is awarded with the badges. Below is a diagram showing where they should go. More information about the badge scheme can be found on the website.